Aged care in Nursing Homes
The Independent Practitioners offer a comprehensive service to residents living in a range of residential care options. This includes both low care hostels and high care nursing homes within both the Newcastle and Maitland areas.
The residential aged care system is available for older people who cannot, for a variety of reasons, continue to live in their own home without assistance. When living or staying in an aged care home you can be assured that you will receive the care that you need from professional medical and nursing staff you will have rapport and connection with. This may include assistance with simple activities of daily living and personal care right through to 24 hours per day nursing care.
The Independent Practitioners have extensive knowledge and experience in providing high quality services to the residents in aged care homes. They understand when moving into an aged care home, both you and your loved ones do not know what to expect and often the decision to move to supported living is made during highly emotional times such as after illness, bereavement or in an emergency. The Independent Practitioners can assist you and your family in making these transitions by offering services with respect, compassion and continuity including:
- General medical management
- Pain management
- Palliative care
- Dementia care
- Regular doctors rounds in facility
- Family conferences (A initial family conference within the first 6 weeks of admission and at least yearly thereafter)
- Advanced care planning (End of life care)
- After hours home visits as required
- Dedicated practice nursing support and liaison with the aged care facilities
The Independent Practitioners currently visit the following facilities:
Opal Maitland Aged Care Boughton Street Rutherford
Opal Rutherford Aged Care Dietrich Close Rutherford
Fresh Hope Greenhills East Maitland
Fronditha Care Hippocrates Aged Care Mayfield
Estyia Aged Care Aberglaslyn
Benhome Aged Care Maitland